In the past couple of weeks, I have spent much of my time evaluating my rockstar Nourish Your Lifestyle Revolution clients, and I had realized that ALL of them had to get over at least one or more significant fears before they took the leap to invest in themselves.
Today, many of them have accomplished their goals, completely transformed their health, mindset, and their habits in the process. I have been talking a lot about my nutrition program for a while now, and it has occurred to me that you might be hesitant to invest in yourself because of some of these secret fears.

Therefore, I can help you with the process to get past these same fears that so many of my clients have had as well so that you too can go from hopeless, tired, and frustrated to happy, feeling renewed, and will have the tools you need to take on the world!
Common Fear #1: “I don’t have time.”
My nutrition program will SAVE you time by having a coach and community of supportive women who help you overcome some of your fears and struggles around food.
You can stop wasting time researching new diets.
You don’t have to spend time feeling guilty about the food choices you make.
You don’t have to spend hours trying to cook the exact meal the meal plan is indicating.
You are more productive in the time you do have because you are eating in a way that energizes you rather than exhausting you!
Yes, you need to dedicate time to this if you want to succeed, but many times we put our energy into other people before we take care of ourselves and look where that has gotten YOU. You may have healthy and growing kids, a happy spouse, the house, the cars (which is absolutely fantastic!), but ARE YOU HAPPY?
As I always say, “It is not a matter of NOT having time, but simply NOT making yourself a priority.”
Common Fear #2: “I have no confidence in myself.”
Here is the thing – If you are 110% confident that you will reach your nutrition and health goals, then you don’t need my help!
My job at Mindy Roth Nutrition is to work with people when they aren't confident about their nutrition, their choices, and the way they feel. And then to help them overcome their fears and create a new lifestyle that will last. When you join the revolution, you will not need to be fully confident in yourself because I will be there to walk with you during your journey! And I will help you build this confidence as you move through the program.
Common Fear #3: “I can’t afford it.”
How much is food freedom worth in your life? How much is not having to worry about your food choices again worth to you? How much is your future health worth?
Imagine what happens if you say no today. you might be fine for a few weeks, but then you will look at yourself in the mirror and think, “I need to do something” or “I can’t do this anymore.”
So you hear about keto, or whole 30, and decide to give it a try. You lose some weight and get excited, but you can’t take the restriction any longer one day. You stray from the plan and eat all the carbs in your house. You give up on that meal plan, and after a few weeks, you are back to square one. Sound familiar?
What is the COST of NOT taking action today and doing something different? How much wasted time, energy, and effort will go down the drain if you continue as you are, reading articles written by unqualified “gurus,” trying to piece things together, or being frustrated daily as you try and try to achieve your goals.
There is a cost when you do not seek guidance from a dietitian:
Anger and anxiety around food
feeling defeated and sad – feeling of failure
loss of love for yourself.
You can't assign value to these feelings, can you? How much longer are you going to keep trying fad after fad only to be let down each time?
I hope your answer is NO MORE!
Common Fear #4: Now’s just not the right time.”
If not now, then when?
I’ll tell you why right NOW is the BEST time to join Mindy Roth Nutrition: Because you are not getting any younger, and the more you put this off, the harder it will become for you and your health. One step at a time!
No matter how busy you are or what is going on in your life, it is much better to do something small each day that brings you closer to your goals than to do NOTHING at all and wait for the “perfect” time. I see you, and I hear you!
I have been where you are, and I have helped many people just like you so that I can relate to your situation as well. Plus, I have been on thousands of calls in the last two years with people just like you, who opened up about their deepest fears and struggles around food and their bodies. People who were desperate to find a solution that does not involve restriction that does not include you feeling like sh**.. a solution that you can actually be happy about.
So if you are finally ready to DO this yet….